Merry Christmas!

Scardy Carrot

Catepillar and Worm

Here's a cartoon I made. It kindda looks good for kiddie books.Maybe I should start writing kiddie story books. In this illustration a caterpillar is asking a worm to help him plant and grow a seed.

Smoking Kills Your Brain

1 stick of cigarette kills 4 neurons of your brain.

Neurons are the cells in your brain that are responsible for its vital function. Neurons don't regenerate. Meaning they don't grow back. So QUIT SMOKING.

1. If you're determined enough to quit, then that's all you need. Your WILL.
2. If you can't quit at once then try it gradually. How? If you finish 6 sticks a day, try decreasing 1 stick at least 2-3 times a day and replace the missing ones with candy or gum. Whenever you feel the urge to smoke always remember to bring a candy or gum in your pocket and forget to bring those cigarettes.

Here's another work I finished.


This is the first anime sketch i made using adobe photoshop

Emotional and Social Milestones

1st Month

  • begins to feel positive emotions toward people.
  • forge bonds of love with the person who is her primary caregiver.
  • picking her up and cuddling her makes an unhappy baby happy.
  • Learns to adjust body posture to the person who is holding her.
  • grasps a part of the holder's body to return a hug.
  • gives her first smile in the end of the month.
2nd- 4th Month
  • bursts into a smile at the approach of an adult.
  • recognize members of the family and becomes more discriminating in his responses.
  • when someone approaches he may widen his eyes, pant, break out in broad grin and wriggle his whole body in excited anticipation.
  • when he is unhappy, he can be soothed by your holding him, talking to him or just by the sight of your face and this confidence is a sign of increasing trust.
  • became attached to a security object.
  • responsive to play as much as an hour.
  • When he is ready for a game, he will let you know by vocalizing.
5th & 6th Month
  • willing to relate to other people.
  • show anxiety around strangers.
  • smiles or coos when wants to talk, play or snuggle.
  • is a full participant in the interaction between the two of you.
  • emotions are maturing.
  • displays disgust, fear, and anger.
  • conveys feelings both with facial expression and sounds.
  • go through rapid mood changes.
  • differences in baby personalities became more evident.
7th- 8th Month
  • show great interest to people.
  • discriminates much more sharply between family and strangers.
  • may remain come when you are with him, and cry when you leave.
  • may be clingy and dependent even when your alone with him.
  • learning that he is separate from you.
  • develops a strong sense of himself as an individual with particular likes and dislikes.
  • enjoys playing by himself as well as interacting with others.
9th & 10th Month
  • start to be afraid.
  • becomes more conscious of themselves as separate entities ans are developing concerns for their own well- being.
  • interest in people grow.
  • loves to play games with you- Pat a cake.
  • shows off.
  • other peoples moves have great effect on the baby.
  • becomes wary to strangers.
  • attachment to security objects indicates his capacity to extend affection beyond you, a healthy development.
11th & 12th Month

  • confusing time emotionally for your baby.
  • may cling to you even more.
  • realizes that she can separate herself from you now.
  • learns to express her emotions.Learns what is an acceptable behavior.
  • Humor and demonstrations are charming, while her angry episodes in response to frustration are not.
  • a firm "no" will let her know when you disapprove.
  • becomes more sociable.
  • Shows greater interest in other family members and begins to play contentedly alongside but not yet with other children.
  • Parallel play is a natural preliminary to play in which your child will interact with other children.

Match Box

Here's a box i made wit the same size and features of a matchbox.

Favor Box for Christening

Here's a favor box I made with a size of 10 x 5 cm

How's Your Water Intake

From University of Washington study:

1 glass of water
stops midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of people.

Lack of water is the first cause of daytime fatigue.

2 liters a day can ease back and joint pain s by 80%, decrease the risk of colon cancer by 79% and bladder cancer by 50%.

so share this to your friends and family

Vision and Perception Milestones

First Month

  • interested in activities and objects brought to her visual focal range- between 18 inches
  • eyes are coordinated most of the time
  • follows objects with eyes
  • show particular pleasure on a mobile that hangs to the side of her crib
  • likes the contrast of light and dark patterns more than vividness of color
  • interested in human face- likes watching changing expressions

2- 3 months

  • early- had difficulty fixing both eyes on an image
  • end of this phase- can lock gaze into moving objects several feet away
  • can see in full color- prefers blue and red
  • discovers hands
  • Note: Let baby put his hands into his mouth. This helps him understand that the fingers are part of him and the rattle is not.

5-6 months

  • eyesight is sharp as an adult
  • watch face closely imitate face expressions
  • eye- hand coordination improves
  • can find toes and grab them

7-8 months

  • show great interest in small objects
  • compares visually large and small objects
  • sees details well and is curious an the designs and patterns
  • test the effects of his actions on objects by deliberately dropping toys
  • has an accurate mental picture of room
  • enjoys a box full of toys to dump out- helps baby learn in and out & full and empty
  • does not yet understand the difference between 2- 3 dimensions

9-10 months

  • learns a bit of the visual world
  • understands the concepts of up and down
  • more proficient at roughly determining the size of something
  • can bang two blocks together
  • can drop items in a container
  • understand that an object exist when hidden
  • comprehension not complete
  • sharpen his senses on what things look like
  • squint eyes to get another view

11-12 months

  • see environment in many dimensions
  • has sharper perception of space and distance
  • sees objects as existing separately from her and in many contexts
  • discovers that things can be manipulated
  • more highly developed eye - hand coordination
  • memory improves- knows where toys and objects are normally found
  • increase attention span
  • May be able to group objects by shape and color
  • study pictures in books intently
  • make own scribblings
  • still confuse on glasses and mirrors
  • Note: your baby's ability to make such distinctions and to manipulate objects is part of a very important process- she is learning how to think and how to solve problems

Sleeping Trivia

We had this lecture in class and my clinical instructor in nursing shared to us this trivia.

If you missed a sleep at night or whatever time you sleep- Normally I sleep (almost everyone) at night- , in order to recover for that 1 night sleep you lost it would take 14 days.

My CI said it is because you destroy a person's biological clock. Somewhat like rhythm of time when you sleep.

Muscle Control and Body Awareness

1st Month:

  • The jerkiness of her movements in the early weeks gives way to vigorous flexing of the arms and legs in a smoother fashion.
  • Learns how to push an object away from her face if she feels threatened.
  • Neck muscles develop strength to enable to raise head.
  • Clenched hands and flexed legs and feet are beginning to relax.

2nd Month:

  • Straighten body little by little.
  • Arches back.
  • Throws arms and legs.
  • Stretches fingers and toes.
  • Twists from side to side.
  • Lift head with an angle of about 45 degress

3rd Month:

  • Lie on tummy with pelvis flat and legs extended.
  • Circles arms above head and bicycles legs in smooth, rhythmic motion.
  • While on tummy, may rock like an airplane, arms and legs out, back arched.
  • Studies hands and gradually learns he can open and close them, bring them together, move them around at will and stretch and wiggle his fingers.
  • Hold toy after a few moments, then let it go.
  • Reach out for toy when held in front of him.
  • Swipe at toy.
  • Pushing self up with his arms.
  • Note: Watch closely when he is on a table or bed to make sure he does not fall off.

4th Month:

  • Grasp toy with either hand and bring to mouth.
  • Shifts head.
  • Propped up for sitting.
  • Hold head erect for only a few seconds.
  • Trunk has greatly strengthen.
  • Seat with support
  • Can press chin to his chest when lying on his back
  • Note: Watch closely when he is on a table or bed to make sure he does not fall off.

5th, 6th Month:

  • Props up for much longer periods than before.
  • Only head moves from side to side.
  • Twist whole torso to one side and looks back over shoulder.
  • Lie on tummy waving arms and legs
  • Rolls over.
  • Bend their knees and push themselves up into a crawling position.
  • Sit up briefly without any support but topple to one side after a few moments.
  • If lifted to standing position, may support her on weight with support, even bouncing up and down by flexing legs.
  • If pulled from lying position to sitting position, helps by drawing in her legs and bending at the waist.
  • Pick up toy.
  • Explores through mouth
  • Transfer object from one hand to another.

7th, 8th Month:

  • Spend less time lying on stomach and back.
  • Sit unsupported.
  • May put self in sitting position on his own.
  • May remain sitting up while pivoting to get toy, bouncing up and down on hos bottom, or scooting across a room.
  • when lying on back , may kick vigorously.
  • Propel self by creeping on his stomach, using arms to pull the rest of his body forward.
  • Crawl on all fours.
  • Bear his own weight once on his feet.
  • Pull himself to a stand while holding onto a piece of furniture.
  • May not know to get back down from a standing position.
  • Uses thumb separately from his fingers thus can grasp things between thumb and finger.
  • Hold toy for a long period.
  • Shake toy up and down, then bang it on floor.
  • Hold own bottles.

9th, 10th Month:

  • Crawls and turns around to reverse direction.
  • Crawl while holding a toy.
  • May be able to stand unsupported for a few moments.
  • Confident enough to let go of one hand, when holding a furniture in order to turn to the side or even to crouch down to pick up a toy.
  • Sits down from a standing position.
  • Cruises- taking small sideway steps while holding onto furniture for balance.
  • May take a few steps forward when held securely under the arms.
  • May bang one object while running the fingers of his other hand over another.
  • Can keep his grip on one toy while reaching for another.
  • Can pick up objects between his thumb and index finger.
  • May throw or drop objects when he loses interest.
  • Pikes index finger into every nook and cranny, including your ears and nostrils.
  • Note:Stay close when your child is near a stairway

11th, 12th Month:

  • Progresses towards walking.
  • May demonstrate mastery of other physical feats- climbing, squatting, pivoting and sitting down easily.
  • Gain more skill in purposely releasing objects held in their hands
  • Links actions to specific goals.
  • Note: Most children do not master their walking skills until they are 18 months.
  • Note:Challenge her with games and exercises and letting her do as much as herself.

Love Your Earthworms

My dad shared to us this business hes been planning to put up, its called vermicullture. Its amazing because you use earthworms to do the job. How? Its quite easy. But first do you guys know what vermiculture is? According to my dad you grow earthworms and use their poop as fertilizers. You can even sell them if you like.

Its said that in 1 square meter you can put 1 kilo of earthworms.


1. Of course first you should have a bin or container which is 1 square meter most preferably wood and some soil. Don't forget to put some holes on the bin for excess fluids to drain.

2. Place the worms (african nightcrawlers- earthworm species).

3. Add the biodegradable garbage such as leaves.

4. Just wait for the earthworms to decompose them and wait for their poop.

5. Presto!collect their poop and make them into fertilizers for your plants or sell them.

Think of it. You're saving mother nature and earning money the same time. For more info you can try to visit

Language Milestones

1st month:
make small cooing (dovelike) sounds

2nd months:
Differentiates a cry
Ability to make throaty, gurgling, or cooing sounds increases

3rd month:
squeal with pleasure

4th month:
Are very talkative- cooing, babbling and gurgling when spoken to
Laugh out loud

5th month:
Says some simple vowel sounds (goo-goo, gah-gah)

6th month:
Learns the art of imitation

7th- 8th month:

Can imitate vowels (oh-oh, ah-ah, oo-oo)

9th month:
Usually speaks a first word ba-ba, da-da or ma-ma

10th- 11th months:

masters another word such as bye-bye or no

12th month:
Can generally say two words besides ma-ma and da-da, they use those words with meaning

Favor Boxes

I decided to make some samples of favor boxes for Christening for my business. So here they are

Skin Whitener

Whiten up your skin with this ingredients shared to me by my sister- in - law.


  • 1 bottle of honey
  • 1 body scrub salts with milk
  • 20 pcs. of chinese orange or calamondin
  • lotion with milk


1. First, mix 1 bottle of honey and 20 pcs. of chinese orange.
2. When you take a bath, lather and massage the honey with chinese orange all over your body including your face for 20 minutes, then rinse. Do this every time you take a bath.
3. Do body scrub. Only do this once a day.
4. After taking a bath apply lotion whitener with milk.
5. Do this everyday.

Store Your Breastmilk

Since I've been leaving the house, I decided to store some of the breastmilk I pumped for my baby since I can't bring him out yet. I asked some of the nurses on how to store breastmilk and here's what they say:

  • Room Temperature: 4- 6 hours
  • Refrigerator: 1 day
  • Freezer: 1 month, but once taken out, its not allowed to be returned back to the freezer, instead, discard it.

Wedding Invitations

An invitation and favor box made by me and my husband, together with my family for our wedding.

By the way the big favor box wasn't made by us we bought it on some place else.

I've just discovered a business in which I could enjoy! Since I love arts and crafts I'll be starting my small little business which is making invitations and favor boxes for any occasion. Hopefully it would prosper. Wish me luck. :)

Are you Sensitive Enough?

Try these experiment and know if your senses are well enough

Approximate Absolute Thresholds for 5 Senses

- A candle flame at 30miles on a dark clear night.
Hearing- A ticking watch at 20 feet under quiet conditions.
Smell- One drop of perfume diffused through out three rooms.
Taste- A teaspoon of sugar in 2 gallons of water.
Touch- The wing of a fly falling on your chick from a distance of 1 cm.

Manage Dehydration at Home

Dehydration mostly happens when you have Diarrhea or if you keep on vomiting. So I've done some research on how to manage dehydration at home. Dehydration is very important since you would lose a large amount of electrolytes that helps regulate different functions of your body.

  • poor skin turgor
  • thirsty
  • dry skin
  • low capillary refill
How to detect "poor skin turgor"?
How to detect your skin turgor is easy. Just pinch a part of your skin (not to hard) vertically, mostly a part of your arm then release. Observe, if your skin goes back immediately then you have a good skin turgor if not, then you have a poor skin turgor.

How to detect "low capillary refill"?
Sounds hard but its really quite easy. Pinch one of your fingernails (not so hard) just enough for it to turn white. Now, release if your nail doesn't return to a pinkish color within 3 second, then you have a low capillary refill.

Note: If you vomited more than thrice please see a doctor immediately.
If your diarrhea doesn't stop please see a doctor immediately.

Coping Tips for Dehydration
1. Try oral rehydration therapy (ORT).
In some countries you can usually buy a packet of ORT in drugstores, but incase its not available in your country then try this homemade ORT

Just mix the following ingredients:

4 tbsp. sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 L water

Note: Be sure to eat lots of oranges and bananas to add potassium since its not present in the homemade ORT.

2. Drink a combination of fluids
Aside from water, drink also weak tea with sugar, broth, moderate amounts of fruit juices, defizzed nondiet and non caffeinated soda pop or Gatorade

3. Try to take frequent small drinks; its less irritating to your gut.

4. Eat bland diet.
This is time for toast, rice, noodles, bananas, gelatin, soups, boiled potatoes, cooked carrots, and soda crackers.

Manage Colic

What is colic?
Prolonged recurring bouts of hard crying- sometimes lasting hours despite every effort of parental solace- usually indicate colic, abdominal pain that is probably caused by feeding problems or gas. It rarely occurs before the baby is two weeks old and almost always wanes by the age o three months.

Although colic appears painful to the baby and certainly is very stressful to parents, it is not dangerous unless there are symptoms other than crying and abdominal pain. If prolonged crying is accompanied by fever, vomiting or diarrhea, or if the baby seems listless or uncomfortable before or after the crying bouts, then illness, not common to colic, is the problem.

Note: Colic should not be treated with medicines unless your physician recommends doing so.

  • loud, hard crying with few or no interruptions
  • sudden onset of crying in the late afternoon or evening
  • rejection of bottle or breast after eager acceptance
  • tense position legs drawn up, hands clenched and feet cold
  • tight, distended abdomen
  • bowel movement or passage of gas near the end of attack

What to do:
  1. Burp your baby
  2. Avoid frequent feedings
  3. If you are nursing your baby, abstain from drinking cow's milk for a brief period to see if the colic stops.
  4. Try cuddling, soothing talk, soft music, rocking and walking.
  5. Swaddle your baby snugly.
  6. Lay your baby's stomach down on your lap or on a hot-water bottle wrapped in a towel, and rub the baby's back gently.
  7. Give the baby a pacifier.
  8. Check bottle nipples and the position of the bottle during feeding to make sure the baby does not suck in air.

Call the doctor if:
  • The youngster continues to cry for longer than four hours.
  • The child exhibits other symptoms of illness, such as fever, runny nose, coughing or vomiting.
  • Such long bouts of crying still occur after four months of age.

Do You Get Enough Sleep?

To evaluate whether you are sleep- deprived, answer the following questions.

Yes No

__ __ I need an alarm clock to wakeup at the appropriate time.
__ __ It's a struggle for me to get out of bed in the morning.
__ __ I feel tired, irritable, and stressed out during the week.
__ __ I have trouble concentrating.
__ __ I have trouble remembering.
__ __ I feel slow with critical thinking, problem solving, and being creative.
__ __ I often fall asleep watching TV.
__ __ I often fall asleep in boring meetings or lectures in warm rooms.
__ __ I often fall asleep after heavy meals or after low doses of alcohol.
__ __ I often fall asleep within 5 minutes of getting into bed.
__ __ I often feel drowsy while driving.
__ __ I often sleep extra hours on weekend mornings.
__ __ I often need a nap to get through the day.
__ __ I have dark circles around my eyes.

If you responded "yes" to three or more of these items, you probably are not getting enough sleep.

What to do?

1. Reduce stress as much as possible.
2. Exercise regularly, but not just before you go to bed.
3. Keep mentally stimulated during the day.
4. Become a good time manager.
5. Eat a proper diet.
6. Stop smoking.
7. Reduce caffeine intake.
8. Avoid alcohol, especially near bedtime
9. Take warm bath before bed.
10. Maintain a relaxing atmosphere in the bedroom.
11. Clear your mind at bedtime.
12. Before going to bed, engage in a relaxation technique, such as listening to a tape designed for relaxation.
13. Learn to value sleep
14. If necessary, contact a doctor for advice about your sleeping problem.

Does Your Baby Have Diarrhea?

Here is a guide on how to detect if your baby has diarrhea at home including some management and preventions.

What is diarrhea?
Diarrhea caused by a virus is a major cause of infant gastroenteritis. The most common viral pathogens that invade the GI tract include rotavirus and adenovirus. Diarrhea in infants is always serious because infants have such a small Extracellular Fluid reserve that sudden losses of water exhaust the supply quickly. The loss of extracellular sodium leads to decrease in plasma volume. and possible circulatory collapse. Renal failure may also result.

Breastfeeding may actively prevent diarrhea by providing more antibodies and possibly an intestinal environment less friendly ti invading organisms and so should be advocated.

Diarrhea rarely afflicts breast- fed infants, although their normal bowel habits often are mistaken for the condition. Breast- fed babies have softer, more frequent stools than bottle- fed babies- more than a dozen a day are not unusual. Bottle- fed babies generally pass fewer stools a day.

NOTE: Lactose intolerance may be developed after diarrhea. This means you baby or child cannot take formula or breast milk. Such an infant will need to be introduced to lactose- free formula initially before being returned to the usual formula or to breastmilk.

  • Have a baby proof clean environment
  • Wash hands before preparing baby's food
  • Sterile bottles
  • Have your baby immunized
  • Make sure anything baby puts in his mouth is clean
  • Breastfeed if possible


NOTE: Iron supplement can change stool color darker.

Infant normal stool: 1-3 daily
Diarrheal stool: Unlimited number

Infant normal stool: yellow
Diarrheal stool: green

Effort of expulsion
Infant normal stool: some pushing effort
Diarrheal stool: Effortless; may be explosive

Infant normal stool: more than 7.0 (alkaline)
Diarrheal stool: less than 7.0 (acidic)

Infant normal stool: odorless
Diarrheal stool: sweet or foul smelling

Occult blood
Infant normal stool: negative
Diarrheal stool: positive; blood may be overt

Reducing substances
Infant normal stool: negative
Diarrheal stool: positive

Sings and Symptoms

Mild diarrhea

  • Fever 101F to 102F (38.4C- 39.0C)
  • Anoretic or irritable
  • Appear unwell
  • 2-10 loose stools
  • water bowel movement per day
  • dry mucous in mouth
  • rapid pulse
  • warm skin

Severe diarrhea

  • Fever 103F to 104F (39.5C - 40.0C)
  • Rapid and weak pulse and respiration
  • Pale and coll skin
  • Listless and lethargic
  • Dehydrated- depressed fontanelle, sunken eyes & poor skin turgor
  • Bowel movement every few minutes

Note: Severe diarrhea needs medical attention and immediate treatment. Please refer immediately to your doctor or pediatrician.

Management for mild diarrhea

Mild diarrhea is not yet serious and can be cared at home. Yet again it is always best to notify/ consult your physician.

NOTE: 1. Do not use over the counter drugs such as Loperamide (Imodium) or Kaolin and Pectin (Kaopectate) to halt
diarrhea. These are too strong.
2. Wash hands after changing diapers to prevent spread of infetion.
3. Notify physician if fever, pain or diarrhea worsens.
4. It is best to call your doctor if your baby is below 6 months.


1. Place a cool cloth (not ice) on the forehead.
2. Dress in lightweight clothing.
  • Use summer pajamas or
  • remove all clothing but the diaper.
3. Give Acetaminophen
  • Consult doctor or pedia first.
  • Dosage- oral: 10-15 mg/kg every 4-6 hours as needed; may repeat 4-5 times a day; donot exceed 5 doses in 24hours.
4.Check if allergic to drug.
CAUTION:OVERDOSE can lead to severe liver toxicity.

5.. Check temperature (normal: 36.5- 37.5)
WARNING: do not obtain rectal temperatures to assess fever, can cause stimulation and initiate more diarrhea.

  • Stop feeding to rest GI tract, but it is necessary for only a short time. During this time give them a pacifier to suck if this seems to comfort them.
  • At the end of approximately 1 hour, begin oral hydration solution such as Pedialyte in small amounts- 1 tbsp every 15 minutes for 2 hours, then 1 oz every 2 hours for the next 12 to 18 hours. For breast- fed infants, breastfeeding should continue
  • Wet infant's lips with a moisturizing jelly (Vaseline) if they appear to be dry.

  • To prevent sores spread petroleum jelly over the buttocks or diaper area to prevent irritation.
  • If sores are already present do not use petroleum jelly or other ointments, and keep the child/ infant as clean and dry as possible.

If, after two or three days, stools are returning to normal, put the youngster back on a regular diet.

Oily Hair : 5 Tips for cutting of the Grease

You wash and style your hair every morning. But within a few short hours, it looks stringy and dirty. You, like millions of others, have oily hair.

People with oily hair can shampoo everyday. Keep in mind that hair is just a dead protein. washing often won't hurt it.

People with oily hair need a good solvent type shampoo, one that would cut the grease.

Here are some ways on how to make one
  • Add Ivory liquid to shampoo
  • Look for a castile- type soap without conditioning additives
  • Look for shampoos with a pH higher than 6.7
Be sure you rinse thoroughly. Soap residue will only collect dirt and oil more quickly.

Conditioners coat the hair, something oily hair doesn't need. Apply a small amount of conditioner to the ends if they've become dried out.

One way to decrease the oil is to rinse with diluted vinegar or lemon juice after shampooing.
  • 2 tbsp white vinegar or juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 cup water or juice
1. Mix 2 tbsp of white vinegar to water or strain a juice of 1 lemon to water.
2. Rinse with warm water

Your Newborn's Sensory Abilities

What does he see?

Newborn have blurred vision and can see little beyond distance of about 18 inches.the baby can see everything he needs for now, most notably who holds him and the breast or bottle that provides his nourishment. the baby's eyes are sensitive to bright colors, such as red and yellow, and can already detect contrast between light and dark. He is selective on what to look at, showing more interest in human faces, patterns, sharp outlines and moving objects.

What does he hear?
Your baby is born with acute hearing and can almost immediately pick up a full range of sounds. Within 10 min. of birth he may be able to associate sound with source and will turn his head in the appropriate direction.
Studies say that a newborn may already have an ear for his mother's voice- possibly because he had been living with a muffled version of it in months in the womb. Concidentally, perhaps, newborns also show a preference for higher- pitch voices.

Taste, smell and touch
The baby's senses of taste and smell are well developed at birth. He can discriminate between sweet and bitter immediately, with salt ans sour soon following. Among these only sweet - a taste associated with both mother's milk and commercial infant formulas- seems to hold any appeal ti him.

The newborn can identify his mother by smell, too, within 5 to 10 days after birth. The identification sometimes become so strong that he will refuse to drink from a supplemental bottle of formula from his mother.

The sense of touch is so acute that it becomes a key form of communication between the newborn and his parents. From the beginning, your baby responds to skin- to -skin contact, becoming calmer or more stimulated depending on the kind of touching he receives. He responses favorably to close cuddling- possibly because the sense of confinement reminds him of the coziness of the womb

Medical Conditions Common in Newborn

There are several temporary conditions that frequently develop during the first month, and it is only natural for parents to fret about anything that looks unusual. Theses conditions usually disappear on their own.



For the first week of life your newborn's still immature liver has trouble breaking down a yellow substance.As a result, your baby's skin color turns yellow. This yellow tinge usually disappears in 7 to 14 days. If it persists or worsens beyond the first week treatment may be called for.

Sometimes my doctor advises us to expose our baby into morning sunlight between 6am to 9am for 15 to 30 min. After 9am can be already harmful to your baby's skin.

When exposing your baby to sunlight make sure that his/her eyes are against the sun's rays.


Newborns may have a number of rashes that are generally harmless and disappear on their own. Small white spots called milia, caused by blocked ducts may appear around the nose. Newborns may also suffer from acne- like rashes caused by maternal hormones, and they may develop blotchy red spots with raised white or yellow centers, resembling heat rash. Like milia this require no special treatment.

My baby experienced this too and my doctor said it is normal. In addition he also adviced us to use CETAPHIL to as my baby's facial soap. Its a gentle skin cleanser and does no harm to my baby. Instructions given are to leave the solution on my babies face for 30 min. then wash.


Caused by extra blood vessels or pigment deposits. Birthmarks with a wide range of color and shapes are common among babies.

1.Blotchy pink or Purple marks (stork bites)- fade during the 1st year
2.Strawberry mark- grow 1-2 yrs, fade in 7th yr
3.Unraised purple marks (port- wine stains)- cover a large area, need cosmetic treatmetn
4.Coffee colored discoloration (cafe au- lait marks)-flat profile
5.Blu gray bruise like marks (mongolian spots)- common in dark babies; near the base of spine,;no connection with Down syndrome; disappear in several years.

Delivery marks
Elongated, reddish marks on the baby's cheeks or forehead, caused by obstetrician forceps, and small purple bruises, caused by blood vessels ruptured during delivery, normally disappear after a few days.

Eye irritation
Birth pressure may cause tiny blood vesels in a newborn's eye to burst and may also cause puffiness around the eyes. Both conditions disappear by themselves. the eye ointment given to babies to prevent infection may also cause a temporary yellowish discharge from the eyes. If this persist, then you pedia may recommend using a washing solution.

Cross- eye
Also known as wandering eyes, this is because the muscles that controls the eyes for movement are not yet coordinated. If your babies eye cross all the time or if the appearance persists for several months then your baby should be examined by an eye specialist.

Mouth problems
In the first few weeks after birth, most babies develop a mouth infection known as thrush. Caused by a fungus that can be transmitted by unwashed hands and unsterillized botles. Thrush looks like a white coating of cottage cheese. The infection can be treated with antifungal medications to prevent it from spreading to the mother during breast feeding.

Vigorious sucking in pacifiers and bottles can cause blisters on your baby's upper lip. Harmless white cysts called Epstein's pearls, may appear on the palate or gums. Both conditions are noninfectious and disappear on their own.

Protruding navel
A weakness in your newborn's abdominal muscle wall may result in umbilical hernia, a painless swelling near the navel. They should not be compressed or strapped down in any manner. Most heal within a year's time without special treatment.

Bowel problems
Before a newborn makes his first normal bowel movement, the greenish black substance called meconium that filled his intestines must be eliminated. If not within 24 hours, the nursery staff will alert the doctor. Some first stools may also contain traces of blood. No treatment is necessary.

Hicupping and sneezing

Hiccuping can cause a newborn to spit up, it is normal in newborns and no cause for concern. Nursing or giving your infant warm water may help. Sneezing is also normal since its the only way for newborn's to blow his nose.

Natal teeth
Occasionally a baby is born with a tooth already in place, usually a lower incisor. A healthy tooth may not be extracted, but if the x- ray shows a weak tooth, removal may be recommended to prevent swallowing.

Cradle cap
Newborns commonly suffer from flaky, peeling scalps. Its dandruff- like symptoms can be treated with baby oil or with special shampoo.

Home Made Remedies: Acne

Who Gets Acne?
Nearly every teenage boy and around 80% of teenage girls will suffer from acne. Boys are laso more likely than girls to have severe acne during adolescence.
In contrast women are most likely than men to have acne in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. Some doctors say it's because of cosmetic use and birth control pills. Women may also be more likely to visit a dermatologist for treatment.

What to do?

Don't pick, press, rub or manipulate those pimples. It increases the risk of spreading the bacteria and chance of scarring. The plug at the top of the porem is like a balloon. You can pop it, but below the surface, the sebum, bacteria, and skin cells may leak into the surrounding tissue, causing inflammation.

2. USE Benozyl Peroxide.

This over the counter ointment helps break up the plug of dead skin cells, bacteria, and oil in pores and cuts down on the bacteria as well. Start with a lower concentration.Use it once or twice a day. If it fries the skin too much, aply a mild moisturizer.

Put in on acne prone areas.

You can wash your face 10 times a day and still have acne. It has nothing to do with cleanliness. Washing removes oil from the surface of the skin, not from within the plugged ducts.

Use a mild soap. Rub lightly with your fingertips and warm water. Do not use a washcloth. If you skin is oily, use soap with benozyl peroxide for its drying properties. Wash once or twice daily.

That refers to removing the top layer of dead skin cells. In acne skin, dont's since your skin is already irritated.


That goes for oily pomades on your hair, heavy oil- based moisturizers, and even oily cleaners.


If you're not sure and some cosmetic labels are misleading, set the bottle of makeup on the counter. If it separates into water and powder, its water- based, if it doesn't it contains oil. You should opt for powder blushes and loose powders. Eye makeup and lipstick are ok because you don't generally get acne in those areas.


Most people giving facials aren't trained to treat acne- prone skin properly and may end up doing more harm than good.

Try not to constantly touch your face. It causes trauma to acne, just like picking the pimple does.

Some cosmetic companies make a paper product that can be pressed onto the skin to soak up the oil. It doesn't help the acne, but it helps relieve the oilness, which is disagreeable.

Sun exposure was believed to help acne. However, too much sun can lead to skin cancer and premature aging, making the risk outweighs the benefits. Protect your skin with a sunscreen that has sun protection factor (SPF) of 15 or higher. Look for one that is oil- free or noncomedogenic.


Chocolate, french fries, and other foods have not been proven to have anything at all to do with causing teenage acne.

This is some what controversial, but some doctors believe that high levels of iodine, found in some multiple vitamins and iodized salt, may encourage acne.

Top 3 Best Quality Diapers

You'll never know when you're baby would pee and you'll just realize your bed is soaked wet.Diapers really help keep you free from all the daily washing and cleaning of your linens and floor. But are you sure about the quality of your baby's diaper?To make sure you are, here are the top 3 best quality diapers I've tested so far that I would recommend you to try. Rest assured you money would be worth the cost.

I assure you, your baby would be 100% diaper rash- free!


Right now I've been using pampers comfort for almost four months so I'm really sure its good for your baby. I love it because of its cute prints, extra softness, stretchable waistband, and minty smell .Aside from this pampers comfort also has a lot more features.

Pampers comfort provides a snug bear hug to help prevent leaks overnight.


  • 4- wall leak guards- traps wetness to help prevent leaks.
  • Extra spread layer- helps spread pee to 100% of gel.
  • Re-adjustable bear hug tapes- can be adjusted as often as you want. It works even while in contact with powder or lotion.
What differs it from other diapers: minty fragrance and extra spread layer gel


I also tried Huggies Dry and Comfort and the good thing about it is it can last for 10 hours, so you can change your baby's dipie 1 time every night. But let me give you mommies some advice. I'd prefer to still change my babies diaper at least 4-5 hours to prevent UTI (just incase).

  • Leak lock system-Absorbs and locks away fluid to help prevent leaks, even overnight. Aborbs up to 6 wettings.
  • Non-sticky magic tapes- Fasten and refasten easily for a secure, customized fit.
  • Soft stretched waistband- Provides a snug, comfortable fit.
  • Cottony soft outer cover- Provides extra softness and comfort.
  • Double leak barriers- Provide extra protection against leaks at the legs.
  • Drytouch liner- Quickly pulls moisture away from baby’s skin
What differs it from other diapers: its 10 hour duration


I tried prokids too when my baby was still 1 month old and it works great too specially its wetness indicator.

  • Cottony air flow cover- constantly dispels hot air to reduce stuffiness; keeping baby's bottom comfortable
  • Fast absorb core with ADL- Heavy-duty absorbent material with enhanced ADL to draw urine away from skin quickly and distribute it evenly; thus preventing leakage.
  • Extra comfort waistband- wider and more stretchable waistband for better fitting and easier movements; plus a stronger protection against front and back leakage.
  • Wetness indicator- tells you the right time to change and maximize usage of the diaper.
  • Soft cottony magic tape- re-freshable without tearing the diaper, even when contacted with powder or baby oil.
  • Standing inner leak guard- a built-in-design that effectively stops leakage on the side.
What differs it from other diapers:its wetness indicator

The Benefits of Breastfeeding

Since I'm a mom too, I would like to share the importance of breastfeeding to the present and future moms.

Here is an acronym on the benefits of breast feeding.

B- est for baby, also best for mommy
R-educes the incidence of allergies
E-economical, no waste
A-nti-bodies to protect baby against infection
S-terile and pure
T-emperature is always ideal
F-resh milk never goes off
E-asy to prepare and to digest
E-radicates feeding difficulties
D-evelops mother and child bonding
I-mmediately available
N-utritionally optimal
G-astroenteritis greatly reduced

Tips of Breastfeeding:
1. With a clean washcloth or cotton swabs, wipe your breasts clean before your baby feeds.
2.Sit comfortably in an upright position.
3.Support your baby's head
4.Guide your nipple towards his mouth. Baby's chin should be against the breast and his tongue underneath your nipple. Make sure that he's sucking the whole areola( darkened area of the nipple).
5.When he's sucking subsides, switch him to other breast until stops feeding
6.Next time he feeds, start from the breast he nursed from last.
7.If your nipples get sore,never wash your nipples with soap, give a minute for them to be exposed for air dry
8.ALWAYS burp your baby after feeding.

Absolute Boyfriend

Do you read manga? Do you love romantic animes? Then let me share to you this fantastic manga I read a long time ago . You can read it online for free at


Author: Yuu Watase

Chapters: 33

Genres: Romance, action, school life, comedy

The story is all about a girl, Riiko whose so desperate to have a boyfriend. So her wish was granted when a salesman asked her what she wants and the next day a delivery was sent in front of her doorstep. She later finds out that a boyfriend doll was sent to her, in which she named Night. The only difference is that its human size, so humanly, it moves and has its own mind. Although the dummy was some kind like a robot and is programmed to love Riiko and considering its a night series, where in its also programmed to make love with her so she can call him totally hers, there are some unbelievable scenes where it seems unexplainable. So you better read the whole chapter!You'll wish you'll have someone like Night.

Almost all the scenes would make you love it even more.

Hakushaku to Yousei (earl & fairy)

If you love anime with a taste of magic and a touch of nobility then Hakushaku to Yousei is what you should watch. The videos can be watched in youtube.


Genres: Romance, magic, action.

The only said to be fairy doctor to exist is no other than Lydia Carlton. Lydia Carlton has been living a peaceful life together with her fairy friend Nico, a cat who talks when a letter of invitation came from her father was sent to her asking her to visit. Where in the end she finds out to be a plot to use her to locate the merrow stone. Thanks to her blonde savior, Edgar Ashenbert, in return she was ask for help in search of the sword of merrow. Later knowing that Edgar was a killer of a thousand people would she still help him?

Edgar a nobody, said to be a white slave in his past, claims to be an earl in seek for the sword of merrow to gain his honor back. He finds out that inorder to find the sword of merrow he must work with a fairy doctor named Lydia Carlton. He befriend her telling by her lies.and flirts with her much often, but in the end turns out to be true.However, eventually, his secret and lies were soon revealed. Now, his honor is up to Lydia if she abandons him or not.

Howl's Moving Castle

To all those anime romance lovers out there!

I recently watched this 2004 anime movie. The plot was great and the characters are really cute and good looking. However you have to download it to play the whole movie. The movie can be watched at


Genres: romance, adventure, magic, fiction, action

It all started when an 18 year old girl named Sophie gets accidentally involve when she met Howl, a talented wizard. A wicked witch wanting Howl's heart, due to jealousy, cast a spell on Sophie which turned her into an old lady. Now it seems that the only way to turn her back would be Howl.

Join Sophie as she witnesses a new world with a moving castle, a talking fire, a door that opens 3 places,a walking scarecrow and a handsome young wizard. I'm sure you'll be wanting to watch it again and again.

NOTE: If you love English watch it in English dub. Howl's voice is really hot. :)

How to convert EPS format to JPG, TIF, PSD, PDF, etc..

This is a shortcut on how to convert EPS files to JPG, PDF, etc... using ReaConverter Pro

Step 1:
Download and install ReaConverter Pro and Ghostscript for Free at
NOTE: You must also download ghostscript to be able to convert.

Step 2:
As soon as your finished installing ReaConverter Pro and Ghostscript open ReaConverter by double clicking it.

Step 3:
Click Continue

Step 4:
Look for the location where your EPS format file was saved. For example your EPS file is located at "My Document". Click " My Documents".

Step 5:
Your files in "My Documents" would appear on the "selected files" window. Double click the EPS file you desired.

A window would appear showing your EPS file.Click the save icon.

Step 7:
Choose the location where you want your file to be saved at "save in". Change the file format located at "save as type". Click the file format you wish your EPS file to be converted to. In my example I chose JPG.

Step 8:
Type the desired file name. For example "Pop Kiss".

Step 9:
Click Save

DONE! Your EPS file now is converted.

FREE vector graphics

I just happen to stumble on this site where they offer free vector graphicses to download. The only problem is you need an EPS converter in order to view the vector you've downloaded.

here are some examples of the vectors I've downloaded.

FREE vectors.

To download an EPS converter visit this site

Romeo X Juliet

Want a new slice of Shakespear's famous Romeo & Juliet?!

Try this cute, romantic anime in

just type Romeo x Juliet on then search.


Genres: Romance, action, fiction, drama, fantasy

Its all taken from Shakespear, but in a different setting. With a floating island soon to meet its doom and flying horses, this heart warming anime series would turn your eyes all red and gushing with tears. Believe me, its worth the effort to watch.

The dilemma began when Romeo's father murdered Juliet's father to steal his thrown. However Juliet was able to escape and stays hidden as a young boy in her suppose- to- be town. As Romeo and Juliet grew up, Romeo a noble and Juliet a villager, their paths meet and thus the beginning of a together- forever love story.

Chew your food- prevent cancer


Studies have been shown that improper chewing of food may lead to cancer

Brief Discussion

Meat most especially in large chunks should be chewed very well.

It is said that certain chemicals and enzymes help in the digestion of food in our stomach. However it takes a lot of time for the digestion process to be finished. Improper chewing of a large chunk of meat prolongs the digestion process and thus the food may rot in your stomach which releases toxins that eventually can lead to cancer.