Favor Box for Christening
10:31 PM | Labels: Christening, Nedz's Favor Boxes and Invitations | 0 Comments
How's Your Water Intake
From University of Washington study:
1 glass of water
stops midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of people.
Lack of water is the first cause of daytime fatigue.
2 liters a day can ease back and joint pain s by 80%, decrease the risk of colon cancer by 79% and bladder cancer by 50%.
so share this to your friends and family
6:36 PM | Labels: Health Trivia | 2 Comments
Vision and Perception Milestones
First Month
- interested in activities and objects brought to her visual focal range- between 18 inches
- eyes are coordinated most of the time
- follows objects with eyes
- show particular pleasure on a mobile that hangs to the side of her crib
- likes the contrast of light and dark patterns more than vividness of color
- interested in human face- likes watching changing expressions
2- 3 months
- early- had difficulty fixing both eyes on an image
- end of this phase- can lock gaze into moving objects several feet away
- can see in full color- prefers blue and red
- discovers hands
- Note: Let baby put his hands into his mouth. This helps him understand that the fingers are part of him and the rattle is not.
5-6 months
- eyesight is sharp as an adult
- watch face closely imitate face expressions
- eye- hand coordination improves
- can find toes and grab them
7-8 months
- show great interest in small objects
- compares visually large and small objects
- sees details well and is curious an the designs and patterns
- test the effects of his actions on objects by deliberately dropping toys
- has an accurate mental picture of room
- enjoys a box full of toys to dump out- helps baby learn in and out & full and empty
- does not yet understand the difference between 2- 3 dimensions
9-10 months
- learns a bit of the visual world
- understands the concepts of up and down
- more proficient at roughly determining the size of something
- can bang two blocks together
- can drop items in a container
- understand that an object exist when hidden
- comprehension not complete
- sharpen his senses on what things look like
- squint eyes to get another view
11-12 months
- see environment in many dimensions
- has sharper perception of space and distance
- sees objects as existing separately from her and in many contexts
- discovers that things can be manipulated
- more highly developed eye - hand coordination
- memory improves- knows where toys and objects are normally found
- increase attention span
- May be able to group objects by shape and color
- study pictures in books intently
- make own scribblings
- still confuse on glasses and mirrors
- Note: your baby's ability to make such distinctions and to manipulate objects is part of a very important process- she is learning how to think and how to solve problems
6:06 PM | Labels: Baby Care | 0 Comments
Sleeping Trivia
We had this lecture in class and my clinical instructor in nursing shared to us this trivia.
If you missed a sleep at night or whatever time you sleep- Normally I sleep (almost everyone) at night- , in order to recover for that 1 night sleep you lost it would take 14 days.
My CI said it is because you destroy a person's biological clock. Somewhat like rhythm of time when you sleep.
9:57 PM | Labels: Health Trivia | 0 Comments
Muscle Control and Body Awareness
1st Month:
- The jerkiness of her movements in the early weeks gives way to vigorous flexing of the arms and legs in a smoother fashion.
- Learns how to push an object away from her face if she feels threatened.
- Neck muscles develop strength to enable to raise head.
- Clenched hands and flexed legs and feet are beginning to relax.
2nd Month:
- Straighten body little by little.
- Arches back.
- Throws arms and legs.
- Stretches fingers and toes.
- Twists from side to side.
- Lift head with an angle of about 45 degress
3rd Month:
- Lie on tummy with pelvis flat and legs extended.
- Circles arms above head and bicycles legs in smooth, rhythmic motion.
- While on tummy, may rock like an airplane, arms and legs out, back arched.
- Studies hands and gradually learns he can open and close them, bring them together, move them around at will and stretch and wiggle his fingers.
- Hold toy after a few moments, then let it go.
- Reach out for toy when held in front of him.
- Swipe at toy.
- Pushing self up with his arms.
- Note: Watch closely when he is on a table or bed to make sure he does not fall off.
4th Month:
- Grasp toy with either hand and bring to mouth.
- Shifts head.
- Propped up for sitting.
- Hold head erect for only a few seconds.
- Trunk has greatly strengthen.
- Seat with support
- Can press chin to his chest when lying on his back
- Note: Watch closely when he is on a table or bed to make sure he does not fall off.
5th, 6th Month:
- Props up for much longer periods than before.
- Only head moves from side to side.
- Twist whole torso to one side and looks back over shoulder.
- Lie on tummy waving arms and legs
- Rolls over.
- Bend their knees and push themselves up into a crawling position.
- Sit up briefly without any support but topple to one side after a few moments.
- If lifted to standing position, may support her on weight with support, even bouncing up and down by flexing legs.
- If pulled from lying position to sitting position, helps by drawing in her legs and bending at the waist.
- Pick up toy.
- Explores through mouth
- Transfer object from one hand to another.
7th, 8th Month:
- Spend less time lying on stomach and back.
- Sit unsupported.
- May put self in sitting position on his own.
- May remain sitting up while pivoting to get toy, bouncing up and down on hos bottom, or scooting across a room.
- when lying on back , may kick vigorously.
- Propel self by creeping on his stomach, using arms to pull the rest of his body forward.
- Crawl on all fours.
- Bear his own weight once on his feet.
- Pull himself to a stand while holding onto a piece of furniture.
- May not know to get back down from a standing position.
- Uses thumb separately from his fingers thus can grasp things between thumb and finger.
- Hold toy for a long period.
- Shake toy up and down, then bang it on floor.
- Hold own bottles.
9th, 10th Month:
- Crawls and turns around to reverse direction.
- Crawl while holding a toy.
- May be able to stand unsupported for a few moments.
- Confident enough to let go of one hand, when holding a furniture in order to turn to the side or even to crouch down to pick up a toy.
- Sits down from a standing position.
- Cruises- taking small sideway steps while holding onto furniture for balance.
- May take a few steps forward when held securely under the arms.
- May bang one object while running the fingers of his other hand over another.
- Can keep his grip on one toy while reaching for another.
- Can pick up objects between his thumb and index finger.
- May throw or drop objects when he loses interest.
- Pikes index finger into every nook and cranny, including your ears and nostrils.
- Note:Stay close when your child is near a stairway
11th, 12th Month:
- Progresses towards walking.
- May demonstrate mastery of other physical feats- climbing, squatting, pivoting and sitting down easily.
- Gain more skill in purposely releasing objects held in their hands
- Links actions to specific goals.
- Note: Most children do not master their walking skills until they are 18 months.
- Note:Challenge her with games and exercises and letting her do as much as herself.
8:53 PM | Labels: Baby Care | 0 Comments
Love Your Earthworms
My dad shared to us this business hes been planning to put up, its called vermicullture. Its amazing because you use earthworms to do the job. How? Its quite easy. But first do you guys know what vermiculture is? According to my dad you grow earthworms and use their poop as fertilizers. You can even sell them if you like.
Its said that in 1 square meter you can put 1 kilo of earthworms.
1. Of course first you should have a bin or container which is 1 square meter most preferably wood and some soil. Don't forget to put some holes on the bin for excess fluids to drain.
2. Place the worms (african nightcrawlers- earthworm species).
3. Add the biodegradable garbage such as leaves.
4. Just wait for the earthworms to decompose them and wait for their poop.
5. Presto!collect their poop and make them into fertilizers for your plants or sell them.
Think of it. You're saving mother nature and earning money the same time. For more info you can try to visit wikipedia.com
2:42 AM | Labels: Business, Save Mother Nature | 0 Comments
Language Milestones
1st month:
make small cooing (dovelike) sounds
2nd months:
Differentiates a cry
Ability to make throaty, gurgling, or cooing sounds increases
3rd month:
squeal with pleasure
4th month:
Are very talkative- cooing, babbling and gurgling when spoken to
Laugh out loud
5th month:
Says some simple vowel sounds (goo-goo, gah-gah)
6th month:
Learns the art of imitation
7th- 8th month:
Can imitate vowels (oh-oh, ah-ah, oo-oo)
9th month:
Usually speaks a first word ba-ba, da-da or ma-ma
10th- 11th months:
masters another word such as bye-bye or no
12th month:
Can generally say two words besides ma-ma and da-da, they use those words with meaning
9:14 PM | Labels: Baby Care | 0 Comments
Skin Whitener
Whiten up your skin with this ingredients shared to me by my sister- in - law.
- 1 bottle of honey
- 1 body scrub salts with milk
- 20 pcs. of chinese orange or calamondin
- lotion with milk
1. First, mix 1 bottle of honey and 20 pcs. of chinese orange.
2. When you take a bath, lather and massage the honey with chinese orange all over your body including your face for 20 minutes, then rinse. Do this every time you take a bath.
3. Do body scrub. Only do this once a day.
4. After taking a bath apply lotion whitener with milk.
5. Do this everyday.
7:03 PM | Labels: Home Made Remedies | 0 Comments
Store Your Breastmilk
Since I've been leaving the house, I decided to store some of the breastmilk I pumped for my baby since I can't bring him out yet. I asked some of the nurses on how to store breastmilk and here's what they say:
- Room Temperature: 4- 6 hours
- Refrigerator: 1 day
- Freezer: 1 month, but once taken out, its not allowed to be returned back to the freezer, instead, discard it.
6:25 PM | Labels: Baby Care | 0 Comments