The Benefits of Breastfeeding

Since I'm a mom too, I would like to share the importance of breastfeeding to the present and future moms.

Here is an acronym on the benefits of breast feeding.

B- est for baby, also best for mommy
R-educes the incidence of allergies
E-economical, no waste
A-nti-bodies to protect baby against infection
S-terile and pure
T-emperature is always ideal
F-resh milk never goes off
E-asy to prepare and to digest
E-radicates feeding difficulties
D-evelops mother and child bonding
I-mmediately available
N-utritionally optimal
G-astroenteritis greatly reduced

Tips of Breastfeeding:
1. With a clean washcloth or cotton swabs, wipe your breasts clean before your baby feeds.
2.Sit comfortably in an upright position.
3.Support your baby's head
4.Guide your nipple towards his mouth. Baby's chin should be against the breast and his tongue underneath your nipple. Make sure that he's sucking the whole areola( darkened area of the nipple).
5.When he's sucking subsides, switch him to other breast until stops feeding
6.Next time he feeds, start from the breast he nursed from last.
7.If your nipples get sore,never wash your nipples with soap, give a minute for them to be exposed for air dry
8.ALWAYS burp your baby after feeding.


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