How to convert EPS format to JPG, TIF, PSD, PDF, etc..

This is a shortcut on how to convert EPS files to JPG, PDF, etc... using ReaConverter Pro

Step 1:
Download and install ReaConverter Pro and Ghostscript for Free at
NOTE: You must also download ghostscript to be able to convert.

Step 2:
As soon as your finished installing ReaConverter Pro and Ghostscript open ReaConverter by double clicking it.

Step 3:
Click Continue

Step 4:
Look for the location where your EPS format file was saved. For example your EPS file is located at "My Document". Click " My Documents".

Step 5:
Your files in "My Documents" would appear on the "selected files" window. Double click the EPS file you desired.

A window would appear showing your EPS file.Click the save icon.

Step 7:
Choose the location where you want your file to be saved at "save in". Change the file format located at "save as type". Click the file format you wish your EPS file to be converted to. In my example I chose JPG.

Step 8:
Type the desired file name. For example "Pop Kiss".

Step 9:
Click Save

DONE! Your EPS file now is converted.


Robert said...

Choose the location where you want your file to be saved at "save in". Change the file format located at "save as type". Click the file format you wish your EPS file to be converted to. In my example I chose JPG. CodCow

Richard C. Lambert said...

The tutorial you will see is captured on a Mac interface but all the functionality explained in these videos work the same way on Windows.psd to drupal

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